Hello! My name is Dr. Nathan Monroe. It’s been quite a while
since this blog has gotten any sort of update. So here I am to quell your
anticipation. To be honest, I just found the shell to a burnt book and the info
to this account in a box on the side of a trail.
Reading through these posts, sadly, I don’t think Mrs. Abby is among
the living anymore. She seemed to have gotten herself in some real trouble. Not
to worry! I think you kind kids can help me out with a problem I seem to be
Remember how I said Abby doesn't seem to be among the living anymore? Yes? Well, if we're being technical, then neither am I. Once upon a time I was a respiratory-less, digestive based, single celled being living on the outskirts of the Black Hole Void (Or BHS for short!). Any cognitive thought or consciousness was simple and instinct based. Then while going through the one process my simple species was created to do, I messed up. Something went wrong and now here I am: A Very not single celled creature with a respiratory system of poor quality and a painfully sensitive nervous system. See what I did there?
Regardless, I think the body I've involuntarily and unintentionally inhabited was initially dead or very very close to dying. The process of void matter inhabiting something from the 3rd dimension somehow put it into a state of ageless, deathless paralysis. Based on what I've adapted to, I can come to the conclusion that this body lacks a couple natural traits. It lacks pigment in hair and skin (Akin to a rare genetic mutation common to many species called albinism), it lacks the thick outer coat many other creatures of this dimension (including humans) have developed. Its veins are very prominent and visible. Not ideal for survival at all regardless of the comfortable top spot this certain species holds in its environment.
I'm not sure what else you kind folk could tell me about whats going on! anything and everything is appreciated!
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